The formal announcement of Benedict Cumberbatch's engagement to the director Sophie Hunter delighted Twitter, especially rivals who chose to mock the Thunderer for missing its own story.
It didn't. There was also a picture story on the "summaries" page, with a cross-reference to the BMDs.
SubScribe is delighted to learn that it was not a miscommunication, but deliberate.For far from being a blunder this was cute editing.
The summaries pages (which just happen to have been invented by a website editor not a million miles from SubScribe Towers) are among the most read of the paper. They're almost as quick to digest as nibs, but they're just that little bit longer and there are pictures to draw you in.
So the story was certain to be spotted, but it was not so obvious that rival night desks would see it and catch up.
They will all go mad on it tomorrow, of course, and the Times will reap the publicity because they will all make a fuss of how the betrothal was announced - and probably carry ragouts.
The Times will meanwhile have had a 24-hour start on the rest of the pack. So what will be most interesting is what it comes up with tomorrow.