About SubScribe
The SubScribe team:
Liz, Garvey the blind cat who walks all over everything, and Ella the springy spaniel who'd rather be chasing rabbits - all overseen by Beryl Cook's Drinkies, the inspiration for Gameoldgirl |
SubScribe started life as a blog in early 2012. As the posts grew longer it seemed like a good idea to transfer them to a website with more flexibility for presentation.
This site was set up in February 2014 and an awful lot of time was wasted trying to transfer old material from the blog. Many of the ideas were too ambitious for a one-woman band and a year later the to-do list didn't seem to be getting any shorter. In an effort to be more realistic, attempts to transfer material from the original blog were abandoned and an archive site sub-scribe2014.co.uk was set up to make loading quicker. Another new year brings another new realism. I am proud of this website - and especially the fact that it was shortlisted in the 2014 Comment Awards - but recognise that I spent too much time playing the editor, tinkering with design, and too little focusing on the words. Those who worked with me in Wapping will recognise that failing. And so, this is now another archive site. I had thought about stopping altogether, but for now, SubScribe has gone back to basics and its old home on Blogger. Please join me there. Thank you again for sticking with me. Happy new year. |
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