All Labour’s leadership candidates have decided that the reason the party lost was its support for modest increases in taxes on the wealthy and steps to rein in untramelled corporate power. But what evidence is there that these policies sank Labour’s campaign? None whatsoever. - Seumas Milne, The Guardian
So dire is the field of Labour leadership candidates that the name of Keir Starmer, who has been an MP for less than a fortnight, was briefly touted. Asked on Newsnight how Labour could connect with disenchanted voters, Mr Starmer said: “They want something that is values-based.” No, Keir, they want someone who can speak plain English, not fluent policy wonk. - Allison Pearson, Daily Telegraph
Ukip looks doomed to go on being the party of the outsider, unwilling or unable to make the transition to finding an effective way of representing the people whose support it claims. Which is at least good news for Labour. - Anne Perkins, The Guardian
The middle classes shouldn’t be getting tax cuts while those in tough, poorly paid jobs, who are already running out of money at the start of the month, are getting their benefits cut. That’s not one-nation conservatism; it’s two-nations conservatism. - Tim Montgomerie, The Times
Politicians have decided that they don't need us any more. They are connecting directly with the voters. And if our papers can't do better than clumsy photoshopping, character assassinations and propaganda, readers will soon decide that they don't need us either. Editor's blog: We're giving the enemy more ammunition