It gave plenty of authoritative and challenging coverage to the Nato summit held in Wales last week as the Western alliance wondered what to do about Russia's involvement in Ukraine.
So I have to ask, somewhat rhetorically, how Channel 4 News managed to broadcast the comments of Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Nato secretary-general, last Friday night and yet failed to spell his name right in a caption.
My answer would be that news organisations now put most of their resources into "generating content" and very little into "checking content", so cock-ups like this are routine.
One of the maxims of journalism is "follow the money". If somebody cared more, they'd hire the staff - the "second pair of eyes" - to stop this sort of thing happening. But sadly most "quality journalism" globally is now run by people who knowingly or not spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar.