Yes, it's easy to pick the Guardian - after all, it gives the centre pages to a picture every day. Well, good for the Guardian. It is open to every editor to decide how to distribute space between competing departments. This photograph has no news value. It is just a group of pelicans squabbling over a fish. The caption tells us that they are on a man-made lake in northern Greece that has become a haven for migratory birds.
That's nice to know. But really this is about pausing between the worries about Ukraine and the mysteries of the Malaysian airliner to take in a moment in nature. Photographer and subjects had been waiting for that moment as fishermen hauled in their catch from Lake Kerkini. The pelicans scooped up any fish that managed to wriggle through the nets or was thrown back as too small. Georgi Kocakov, sitting on a pontoon, scooped up the scene with his camera and caught this oil painting of a photograph. (Picture credit: Solent News)
That's nice to know. But really this is about pausing between the worries about Ukraine and the mysteries of the Malaysian airliner to take in a moment in nature. Photographer and subjects had been waiting for that moment as fishermen hauled in their catch from Lake Kerkini. The pelicans scooped up any fish that managed to wriggle through the nets or was thrown back as too small. Georgi Kocakov, sitting on a pontoon, scooped up the scene with his camera and caught this oil painting of a photograph. (Picture credit: Solent News)