The Mail has more space than most to indulge in quirky specials - and it is way out in front in execution, devoting time and resources to detailed research, for example in matching outfits or poses across the years. It is also the market leader in jolly animal pictures. Today's offering of a panda getting into a pickle in a tree is confined to a single page - but it is page 3, so that's hardly underexposure.
The news pages have five spreads: the latest episode of Labour and the paedophiles, Brooks and Blair, the violence in Kiev, the Brits, and this one on the legends of steam. A version of the main photograph appears in two or three other papers, but shunted into corners, mere space fillers to break up the text. Here it is given room to breathe. There is also space for text and a graphic to explain why this collection is special. There is a lot to dislike about the Mail view of life, but it is unrivalled in its ability to display and project a subject. |