Friday 25 April, 2014
It's the Times again. And no, the picture editor didn't decide the lawyers were too ugly or to make a joke about Ecclestone's diminutive stature.
Michaela Rehle's photograph arrived cropped at the top as above, and the Times decided to give it some help at the bottom too.
It's the Times again. And no, the picture editor didn't decide the lawyers were too ugly or to make a joke about Ecclestone's diminutive stature.
Michaela Rehle's photograph arrived cropped at the top as above, and the Times decided to give it some help at the bottom too.

Most papers went for more conventional shots, although this picture - full frame - also made the front of the Guardian's business section. Rehle, seen above at work in the same Munich court last year - is hot on tight cropping and composition. She won an award for her geometric photograph of Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande's kiss to mark 50 years of reconciliation between their countries. And the striking picture on the right was used to illustrate a report from NSA papers leaked by Edward Snowden that Sweden spied on Russian leaders.