The Telegraph went for composition with a sorrowful Rooney in the middle. The Guardian chose Suarez, but without knowing the context it's just any old football picture.
The Express and Star didn't trouble with Brazil and opted instead for the same picture (and virtually the same headline) of some blokes in a London pub.
For the Mail, it had to be Coleen, simples.

Whatever made the paper think that it was in order to build a front page around a four-year-old boy in tears?
Moving on swiftly, the Independent and Times made absolutely the right choice. The England captain being offered sympathy by the clubmate who destroyed his dreams or, put another way, the two men responsible for the goal that almost certainly knocked England out of the competition.
Whichever way you look at it, the combination of Gerrard and Suarez, especially in a pose like this, is a no-brainer.*